warning Unique Artifacts #184

install order tip correction
Duration 9 minutes
Finished 1 year, 4 months ago

Status Platform Mod Happy
Errors Warnings Raw log Errors Warnings Info Raw log
perfect BG2EE_HAPPY 0 0 log 0 0 0 log
perfect BGEE_HAPPY 0 0 log 0 0 0 log
warning BGT_HAPPY 0 2 log 0 0 0 log
warning EET_HAPPY 0 2 log 0 0 0 log
perfect SOD_HAPPY 0 0 log 0 0 0 log
perfect TOB_HAPPY 0 0 log 0 0 0 log

BGT_HAPPY Baldur's Gate Trilogy with G3 Fixpack and Happy IE



  • UA WARNING: helm06 is missing from knight1.cre, skipping!
  • INSTALLED WITH WARNINGS Unique Artifacts - core -> Expanded

EET_HAPPY Enhanced Edition Trilogy with Happy IE



  • UA WARNING: helm06 is missing from knight1.cre, skipping!
  • INSTALLED WITH WARNINGS Unique Artifacts - core -> Expanded